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AI-powered Chatbots Enhance Data Accessibility and User Interaction

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, organizations recognize the critical need to empower employees with efficient tools for accessing internal company data.

The Client, a forward-thinking company, has set its sights on increasing worker productivity by ensuring instant access to information stored across diverse platforms such as SharePoint, SAP, and reporting databases. To achieve this goal, The Client aims to build or acquire an intelligent assistant in the form of a chatbot. This initiative not only enhances productivity but also underscores the importance of safeguarding The Client’s intellectual property (IP) and adhering to stringent internal data security policies.

CoreChange’s Role and Objectives

CoreChange, a trusted partner, has embarked on a comprehensive investigation to recommend the best approach for implementing the intelligent assistant. CoreChange is with The Client along its journey to the AI world. Our multifaceted goals include:

Options Assessment and Tool Evaluation:
  • We explore various options available for building the intelligent assistant, considering both free and commercial tools.
  • Our analysis encompasses scalability, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with the client’s specific needs.
Subject Matter Expertise Integration:
  • Recognizing the complexity of this project, we collaborate closely with subject matter experts.
  • Their insights guide the development process, ensuring that the chatbot meets the client’s unique requirements.
 Privacy and Access Control:
  • Document privacy is paramount. We address the challenge of granting access based on user roles.
  • Our solution ensures that each user receives answers relevant to their permissions—no more, no less.
Iterative Approach for Continuous Improvement:
  • We advocate for an iterative development process, allowing us to gather feedback early and refine the intelligent assistant.
  • Regular testing and user feedback drive enhancements.

Examples and Prompts Optimization:

  • Providing well-structured examples and prompts significantly improves the chatbot’s performance.
  • Users should feel confident in receiving accurate and relevant responses.
Linking to Relevant Documentation:
  • The intelligent assistant will seamlessly connect responses to the most pertinent internal documents.
  • Rapid navigation through stored information enhances user experience.

Ensuring Fair Assessment

To maintain fairness and accuracy, we have taken specific steps:

Document Set and Questions:

  • We define a curated list of relevant documents and formulate specific questions.
  • These serve as benchmarks for evaluating the chatbot’s effectiveness.

Pre-Study and Model Analysis:

  • Our team conducts an initial analysis of different language models, including both free and commercial options.
  • We engineer a scoring system to compare their suitability for the client’s needs.
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CoreChange’s Value Proposition

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Our expertise extends beyond technical aspects:

  • AI/LLM Knowledge Transfer: We assist clients new to AI/LLM technology, enabling them to embark on an efficient and cost-effective journey.
  • Holistic Evaluation: We analyze, score, and evaluate AI/LLM solutions, considering both technical and practical factors.
  • Security and Infrastructure: We understand the technology behind AI and address security concerns to keep information contained.
  • Collaboration with Experts: We optimize subject matter experts’ work, ensuring a seamless integration of the intelligent assistant.
  • Tailored Solutions: We provide options and help clients choose the best-fit solution.
  • Demo and Proof of Concept: Our capabilities extend to preparing demos and proof-of-concept implementations.

In summary, CoreChange’s strategic approach combines technical prowess with practical insights, resulting in an intelligent assistant that empowers employees while safeguarding critical data.

Learn more about what CoreChange do within AI >>

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Danial Abdali   


Danial Abdali

+46 730 741411