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Case – E-Commerce

CoreChange delivered e-commerce strategy for a Swedish fashion company

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Our role

Newhouse is a Swedish fashion brand that sells clothes and accessories for women via its own physical stores, retailers as well as its own e-commerce. CoreChange was commissioned to develop an e-commerce strategy to show how Newhouse can increase short-term and long-term growth and profitability in e-commerce, as well as how they should adapt their organisation, processes and support system to achieve the set goals.

In the recent feasibility study carried out by CoreChange, key elements of e-commerce were evaluated using a current situation analysis, external analysis and recommendations for the various elements:

Vision, target image, path choices

- Vision formulation
- Overall sales targets and KPIs
- Strategic path choices


- Geographical marketplaces
- External marketplaces


- Sales analysis (average values, return rates, etc.)
- Additional sales
- Customers


- Design
- Functionality
- Web analytics (user behaviour, conversion)

Business calculation


- Marketing and customer club
- Pricing and promotions
- Payment and delivery methods
- Languages/Currencies
- OMNI channel offer
- Customer services
- Competitors

Internal conditions

- Warehouse and returns management
- Distribution
- Purchasing and goods handling
- Organisation

IT/support system

- System landscape/architecture
- ERP and POS
- E-commerce platform

Project roadmap

- Activities
- Investments
- Schedule for implementation

Using this information, Newhouse can make a business assessment on:

  • If and when they will make an e-commerce investment

  • How this investment is to be implemented

  • What it can provide in sales, costs and profitability

CoreChange will also be involved in the implementation of the e-commerce strategy.

Read more about what we at CoreChange do in e-commerce.

Read more about Newhouse.

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