Case | Digital Solutions | Digital Excellence
Global digitalization program
Our role:
We are responsible for, and leaders of a global digitalization initiative where the client is transforming their production planning process together with selected suppliers for business functions, system development, and integrations.
The art of leading a global digitalization program
Our digitalization program is part of a larger digital transformation where several organizations and functions must work together to achieve the best effect and value for the company as a whole. Digital transformation in an era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) and an ever faster pace of change places ever higher demands on a common goal, culture and leadership.
Clear goals are important for the various suppliers to work towards a common goal and requires a high degree of communication, respect and consensus.
Culture is important for creating the right conditions to succeed together and help each other forward in teams that are distributed globally.
This means leadership where we collaborate with consensus through communication towards the clear goal through a culture of continuous improvement.